The Launch of the Throne Room to Board Room Podcasts

It’s launched!

We are thrilled to launch the first episode of the “Throne Room to Boardroom” video and audio podcast - and it could not come at a more significant time!

The issues you face as a business leader and executive have never been greater, more profound or more confusing. Here is a short list from a recent survey asking CEO’s the top issues they currently face.

Top Issues CEOs Face

  1. Covid-related disruptions including the future of the office.

  2. Rising inflation

  3. Labor shortages

  4. Supply chain disruptions

  5. Changes in consumer behavior

I dare say you face these and many other issues every day. But there are two critical questions you need to address to overcome and solve these seemingly unsolvable problems.

Question #1: Where are YOU searching for YOUR answers to YOUR biggest business problems?

Like most traditional business executives and leaders, we (as I have over the years) typically leaned on a combination of many of the following:

  • Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune & more

  • Business magazines including industry publications

  • Competitor & industry best practices

  • Business gurus & their latest “7 Secrets…” (which I used to be one of them with all my books)

  • Google searches

  • LinkedIn & other honorable social media channels

  • Local and national professional associations

  • CEO roundtable forums (which can indeed be very valuable)

  • …and many more.

None of these of these sources are necessarily bad, wrong or evil. The vast majority simply do not recognize nor even consider the one place where every business solution already exists: the Throne Room of God!

At Dynatos Global, we know that God has a supernatural answer to every business problem for every business in every industry in every city in every nation around the world.

He is simply waiting for us to seek His already created divine solutions. It is therefore up to us to seek and find (it’s a magnificent treasure hunt) His solutions which always work.

Which leads us to the second critical question.

Question #2: What is the value of a Throne Room Revelation?

Most of us would say, “Oh wow, it’s invaluable - worth more than I could ever imagine!”

That is certainly a worthy reply, but let’s get real. You can place a legitimate $$$$ value on these revelations, not at all to diminish the anointment they carry, but as a testimony to their marketplace value here on earth.

Here are the three steps to determining the value of a Throne Room Revelation.

Step 1: What is the biggest problem you currently face?

For the sake of this example, just reflect on one - not more than two - issues. Once you determine those, go to Step #2.

Step 2: How much will this problem cost your business today & over the next 3 years?

This requires a little more thought. I exhort you to consider the short-term (3 year) cost of the biggest problem you face, for it carries direct costs well into the future. That cost can include such areas as:

  • Lost sales, revenue & profit

  • Lost opportunity costs for growth, expansion, etc.

  • Customer dissatisfaction, retention & turnover…as well as the cost of even one bad social media post

  • Employee lost productivity, morale, retention & turnover along with the cost of on-boarding new employees to become profitable contributors

  • …and a potentially endless list of other cost categories.

This list is enough to give you a picture of the delay in finding your divine solutions. Such problems could cost even a small firm $1M or more over three years.

Which now leads to Step #3.

Step 3: What is the value (what’s it worth) to you to uncover and activate the Throne Room solution you need today for your problem?

In most cases, when an executive considers an even conservative estimate of the 3-year project loses (which could be converted to profitable gains once solved), the initial investment for a solution is minimal for it’s eventual ROI.

Why do I mention these steps now? First, it gives you a simple roadmap of exhortation NOT to delay actively seeking the solutions. Second, it shares how Dynatos works with our covenant clients, allowing you to determine the potential investment for the solution.

Here We Go

Thank you for reaching, listening and/or watching this first episode of Throne Room to Boardroom. I pray even this overview episode offered you some insights and free perspectives on how to seek out the divine solutions you need over your business.

I encourage you to stay connected and share these insights within your spheres of influence.

See you next week.

About Dr. Jim Harris

Dr. Jim Harris is Founder and Managing Partner of Dynatos Global, a strategic business consultancy that uncovers and activates divine solutions for business. An author of 14 award-winning books, his latest book "Our Unfair Advantage: How to Unleash the Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Business," continues to receive international acclaimed for its pragmatic, how-to approach to better discern and activate the voice of God for business success. 

To schedule a no-obligation introductory call, contact Dr. Jim at info@Dynatos.Global or visit our website to get started. 

About Dynatos Global LLC

Dynatos Global uncovers and activates divine solutions for business. Through our extensive array of one-on-one and full corporate consulting services, Dynatos partners with leadership teams to unleash breakthrough and solve seemingly unsolvable business problems. Call us today for a free consultation at 1.850.477.7937.

Web: www.Dynatos.Global

eMail: info@Dynatos.Global 


Your Key to Divine Business Solutions


Throne Room to Board Room: The Movement Begins