Make SHIFT Happen!

It’s time to shift the atmosphere of your boardroom. Why? Within the chaotic tremors that have devastated “Business As Usual” across the globe, there is a divine pathway you must take now or risk marketplace irrelevance. 


Let’s take a quick look at the current global business environment.

  • Worst 1st qtr stock market performance since 1939.

  • Inflation at a 40-year high.

  • Tremendous turmoil in markets - post-pandemic issues, supply chains, wars, government spending and more.

  • Concerns for recession and even “Stagflation” for the 1st time since late 1970’s.

  • Earthquake-sized tremors erupting and spewing all over the global biz environment.

I can hear some of your thinking, “Is this another gloom and doom article?”

No, no, no - not at all. In fact, this is an exhortation to you to step beyond the financing, operational and marketplace situation to step into your new leadership role.


Before we discuss this new leadership role, let’s be reminded of a few essential revelational truths in the Word (highlights of course are mine).

John 14:26 (NKJV)

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” John 14:26

John 16:13 (NKJV)

“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. John 16:13

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

“And He raised us up together with Him [when we believed], and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, [because we are] in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:6 (AMP)

Look at these highlights:

  • Holy Spirit will teach you all things & remind you of what He has already told you.

  • Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth and tell you things to come.

  • You can boldly go to the throne room and find the help you need.

  • You are already (now) seated with Jesus in the throne room!

We have such revelation, access and power available that we MUST take a new, bold and anointed approach to how we lead our teams through the marketplace crises we face.


In 2020, I read a blog by Larry Sparks, a noted leader and voice in ministry. When I read this word, God clearly spoke to me, “This is for you and for Dynatos. Do business this way.”

I have not shared this publicly until now, for it seems right to share this with you as an exhortation for all of us to step up into a higher level of leadership. Here is an excerpt from a Larry’s longer post.

The Lord showed me the following picture / vision which I believe applies to this prophetic word. 

There was a business board room where a bunch of people were gathered around a table. I felt like it was a humorously exaggerated atmosphere. Papers were flying all over the place as people were frantically scratching their heads, seeking a solution to some crisis. I knew the people seated in this board room were highly qualified. They had letters after their names, titles, and all manner of academic pedigree. Yet, they still struggled to find a solution. 

Then, the door opened and someone stepped into the board room. I knew a few things instinctively about this person.

• One, this person had a place at the table, but they were certainly not as qualified as the other people struggling to find solutions.

• Two, right before stepping into the board room, I knew this person was in another room: the Throne Room.

• Third, when this person stepped from the Throne Room into the board room, the atmosphere immediately shifted.

The papers that were hovering in the air immediately dropped upon the table. Stability was released. And when this person spoke, it was evident they had accessed wisdom from Another Source. Another age. Another dimension. 

What they received in the throne room and then decreed into the board room released a prophetic solution to a problem no one could naturally solve. And the fear of the Lord fell. 

Did they mention Jesus or preach a salvation message? Not necessarily. There is a time to be uncompromisingly overt and there is a time to be prophetically covert. 

When you release wisdom you receive from God, it carries the weight of His Presence and will accomplish His supernatural purposes. This is an example of why it’s vital for us to show up and speak up.


What does this vision mean for you? Simply this. You already have the anointment and the authority to boldly step into the throne room of God for His divine solutions that are unaccessable in the natural. And when you take these solutions filled with knowledge, wisdom, discernment and exhortation, the presence of the Lord will dramatically impact everyone around the table.

My exhortation to you. From this day forward, I challenge you to embrace your new leadership role - that anywhere you go, anytime you go anywhere in your company…WHEN YOU WALK IN - SHIFT HAPPENS!

Here are five activation keys to help you are the atmosphere shift happen at work.

  1. Boldly enter the throne room with humility.

  2. Sit and commune with Jesus. take your time. Get intimate with His as He shows you from heavens perspective all He wants you to do.

  3. Remember - your business solutions already exist. Go seek them.

  4. Read Our Unfair Advantage, especially Key #6 starting on page 114 on how to pray bold prayers.

  5. Sign up for our weekly Throne Room to Boardroom podcasts on your favorite podcast channels.

  6. When you need help, partners to do some of the heavy lifting with you, contact us on the website. This is our assignment at Dynatos Global - to help you uncover and activate divine solutions for your business.

Go ahead - make some shift happen in your workplace!

About Dr. Jim Harris

Dr. Jim Harris is Founder and Managing Partner of Dynatos Global, a strategic business consultancy that uncovers and activates divine solutions for business. An author of 14 award-winning books, his latest book "Our Unfair Advantage: How to Unleash the Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Business," continues to receive international acclaimed for its pragmatic, how-to approach to better discern and activate the voice of God for business success.  

About Dynatos Global LLC

Dynatos Global partners with business leaders to uncover and activate divine solutions for their business. To learn more, please contact us today for a free consultation.

Web: www.Dynatos.Global

eMail: info@Dynatos.Global 


Power of Strategic Intercession in Business


Your Key to Divine Business Solutions