Power of Strategic Intercession in Business

One of THE most powerful tools available to Christian business leaders is strategic intercession. In this post, I’ll offer a simple definition with an exhortation to continue.

Strategic Defined

The word strategic has four basic definitions and all four are important.

First, strategic can be defined as "necessary to or important to the initiation, conduct or completion of a strategic plan." That’s obvious. But the second definition really jumps out to us as business people.

Strategic can also be defined as “required for the conduct of war and not available in adequate quantities domestically.” Wow! Yes, we are in a war, that we sometimes do not recognize or give enough attention. In writing to one of his favorite churches, Paul reminds the church of Ephesus that:

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV)

Our greatest marketplace battle is not against competitors, interest rates, supply chain or post-covid office situations challenges.  We must realize there is a supernatural spiritual war waging over our businesses! The enemy is targeting us as Christian business leaders. Yes, we have the victory, yet we must be willing to engage the enemy in the heavenly places to win.

Third, strategic can be defined as “of great importance within an integrated whole to a planned effort.” Indeed it is. But the fourth definition is the one that we must embrace.

Finally, strategic can be defined as “designed or trained to strike an enemy at the sources of its military, economic or political power.” The devil is fighting us from stepping into the throne room for supernatural business revelations and solutions that will crush him and his evil plans to kill, steal and destroy our business.

Intercession Defined

Now a quick look at the definition of intercession. Intercession can be defined here as “prayer, petition or entreaty in favor of another.” It can also be defined as “to intervene between two with a view to reconcile differences.”

May I suggest that as the founder, president, manager, or employee, as you intercede for your company, you literally stand between heaven and your business to reconcile all around you to conform with heaven’s plan and purposes. This actually gives us all a fresh, sobering persecutive and what it means to do more than pray for our business, but actually serve as an intercessor over your business. We’ll come back and teach you much more on this concept in the future.

Strategic Intercession Defined

Let’s now offer a simple operational definition of strategic intercession for your business.

Strategic intercession (as we define it at Dynatos Global) is a critical and mandatory throne room intervention for revelation on how to unleash business breakthrough and solve unsolvable problems.

Critical. Mandatory. Throne room-focused. Intervention. Revelation. Unleash breakthrough. Solve unsolvable problems.

My purpose in this very brief executive briefing is to exhort you to take a fresh and more profound approach in how you step beyond traditional prayer into the power of strategic intercession over your business.

Share this definition with your believer teammates. Begin a strategic intercession circle within your department or facility. If you need help in how to do this, contact us. Not only can our alliance teams of strategic business intercessors partner with you on this journey,  our Dynatos business advisors can help interpret and activate these revelations throughout your operations.

About Dr. Jim Harris

Dr. Jim Harris is Founder and Managing Partner of Dynatos Global, a strategic business coaching and consulting company that helps uncover and activate divine solutions for business.

To learn more about our coaching and advising services, contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Also, visit our website to access our many free digital resources including podcasts, articles and video blogs.

Web: www.Dynatos.Global

eMail: info@Dynatos.Global 


Four Revelatory Gifts for Business: An Executive Briefing


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