Four Revelatory Gifts for Business: An Executive Briefing

To uncover divine solutions, you MUST get equipped and then exercise four powerful gifts of Holy Spirit over your business. In this initial overview, learn the difference between a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, a word of discernment and a word of prophecy and why you need all four to prosper your business.

Biblical Foundation

“4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: 8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (NKJV)

These verses are critical to fully operating in throne room to boardroom revelations. Without these supernatural gifts from Holy Spirit, we would only be leading and thinking from our human brains rather than effectively tapping into God’s unlimited brain.

Here is an introductory overview of four of the above gifts (highlights above are mine of course), a definition and a concise comment on how you can activate these in your work.

Four Revelatory Gifts for Business

#1: Word of Knowledge: What to Do

A Word of Knowledge can defined* as a “supernatural insight or understanding of circumstances of a body of facts by revelation without assistance of any human resource but solely by divine aide.” Very often, then, a Word of Knowledge is an idea, thought, picture, number, hunch, etc. that you did not think naturally.

When we receive a Word of Knowledge, we typically start asking, “What does this mean, Lord?” If it is for another person, we ask them, “Does this mean anything to you?”

A Word of Knowledge is simply getting a download on what to do in a given situation, but it does not necessary come attached with a way to do it.

Although Word of Knowledge is listed second in the above passage, we simply place it first for this reason: a Word of Knowledge focuses on what to do (which often comes first) where a Word of Wisdom focuses on How to Do It.

#2: Word of Wisdom: How to Do It

Word of Wisdom can defined* as “knowledge rightly applied; divinely given power to appropriate spiritual intuition in problem solving; a sense of divine direction.” A former business mentor of mine liked to define wisdom as “the prudent application of knowledge.”

Think of “wisdom applied” this way: a Word of Knowledge may give you insight in what to do about a situation and the Word of Wisdom gives you insight in how to execute it. This is why we need both.

As business leaders, we are doers. Once we get an idea (however crazy), we can flat execute it - get it out the door, put action plans together and start measuring progress. How many times have we gotten ahead of Holy Spirit and stumbled or even failed even with good ideas. This is just one reason it is critical to slow down, step into a time strategic intercession and seek God’s activation plan before launching anything. Which is why discernment is so important.

#3: Discernment

Discernment can be defined* as a “supernatural power to detect the realms of the spirit and their activities; a supernatural revelation of plans and purposes of the enemy and its forces.”

As I like to advise executives in my 1-on-1 and team coaching, discernment is asking the Lord for three things:

  • Landmines

  • Detours

  • Deceptions

Before any activation plan on any great idea —- even those from heaven — you must invest time in asking the Lord for those potential enemy sneak attacks and diversions. For if the idea, concept or innovation is from the throne room, you can be assured the enemy will attempt to kill, steal and destroy its progress and effectiveness.

Here is where you need a team of business intercessors actively interceding over you and your business. Business intercessors are anointed in their assignment to stand in the gap for you and crystalize both God’s strategies and especially the enemies counter-tactics. Contact us to learn more about strategic intercession for your company.

#4: Prophesy

A prophetic word can be defined* as “a divinely inspired and anointed statement; a calling forth words from the Spirit of God.” Simply put, a prophetic word can be a verbal or written statement of exhortation, encouragement or edification from God to you or from you to another. It can be both you telling others how the Lord sees them and hearing from God how He sees you as you begin to activate His divine solutions.

Here are two examples for you to study. First, Deuteronomy 31:7 is a great example of a leader (Moses) sharing a prophetic word from the Lord to Joshua. Second, Joshua 1:1-9 is God’s direct exhortation to Joshua himself. Both are wonderful and low-risk starting places to exercise your spiritual muscle of prophecy not only for you but for the benefit of others.


Activating these four revelatory gifts is not as difficult, esoteric or consuming as you may have thought. Begin with this simple strategy.

  1. Ask the Lord, “What do you want me to do? What specifically do I need to know that I currently don’t know over this issue?

  2. Then ask, “How do you want me to do it? What are the steps - even just a next step - in getting closer to activating the solution?”

  3. Now ask, “Lord, uncover for me - show me the landmines, deceptions, detours, and roadblocks I must avoid in activating Your divine solution?”

  4. Finally, ask the Lord, “Is there something more I need to hear or my team needs to hear to begin to activate these solutions?”

Realize there is SO MUCH MORE depth within each of these four, and we will continue to equip you in them as we go forward. But just start here. Keep it simple. Keep it focused. Then as you grow your revelatory muscles, you will be ready for greater revelations and deeper equipping.

Please email us at with your questions and especially your successes. Would love to hear from you.

*All definitions are adapted from The New Spirit-Filled Life Bible 2002 by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

About Dr. Jim Harris

Dr. Jim Harris is Founder and Managing Partner of Dynatos Global, a strategic business consultancy that uncovers and activates divine solutions for business. To learn more, please contact us today for a free consultation.

Web: www.Dynatos.Global

eMail: info@Dynatos.Global 


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